Loose Dentures

Your Experience


Rubbing & Ulcers

False teeth move significantly and this causes pain and discomfort, as they rub the gums in use.

Too Much Fixative

Oodles of fixative (like Fixodent) that oozes off after a cup of tea and down the throat.

Can’t Chew

Too much movement to be able to chew the foods you want, so mealtime is a chore and not a pleasure.

No Confidence

Dropping down when you speak and having to disappear off to clean them after meals lowers self esteem and confidence.

Improve Your Quality of Life


Specialist Techniques

Specialist skills can dramatically improve the quality of your denture. Longer appointments, focussed on your needs, allow for time and care to be taken over getting you the best possible comfort and function out of your new denture.


Firmly Held In Place

Dental implants will change your denture wearing experience forever. Research has shown that they dramatically improve quality of life due to the retention and ‘locked in’ feel of the denture.

Beautiful Aesthetics

Highly aesthetic prosthetic teeth are used, which look just like real teeth and give a lifelike and natural appearance. These can be customised further to give a ‘perfectly imperfect’ appearance so that no one would ever know.



With a denture that looks beautiful, provides comfort and is securely held in place, your confidence will almost certainly return. Dreading the thought of eating out in restaurants and socialising will become a thing of the past.


Metal Base Dentures


Tired of bulky plastic dentures?

Metal based dentures can work very well if you have some remaining teeth that are healthy and strong. The metal wraps around them and uses them for some support and grip. This case has a single dental implant to help at the back where there are no teeth to hold the denture in.


Natural teeth and better function

The metal is hidden on the inside to avoid a poor appearance.

Fixed Dentures On Implants


The Ultimate Security

Dentures that are fixed onto dental implants are the best way to eliminate the challenges of a removable and loose denture. They allow for proper stability when chewing and do not move. The also prevent embarrassment in social situations as they won’t fall down when you speak or eat.


Styles and Options

This refers to the materials the teeth can be made from and ranges from high strength acrylic with titanium frames to full ceramic. All give beautiful aesthetics. The number of implants can also vary depending on your case and needs.

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Treatment Process

In-depth planning and digital design guides treatment to get the best possible result. Smile design, digital implant placement and computer aided manufacture all contribute from start to finish.


Removable Dentures and Dental Implants


Security and function

These are more similar to conventional dentures but have the added security of implants to help hold them in place. They are not permanently locked in place so you can remove them to help with oral hygiene, but they can’t fall out like conventional dentures.


Styles and Options

All designs use high strength acrylic and beautiful high end teeth to give the best result. They can be held on 2 - 3 implants with studs or bars to give the retention, stability in function and security when you socialise.


Treatment Process

The process is the same as for fixed implant dentures, as the utmost care is taken with any treatment. This includes a full examination, smile design and digital implant planning to ensure accuracy and optimise the outcome.


Success & Aftercare



Dentures and dental implants have been available to patients with the materials used today for many years. The difference is that our ability to get the best from the materials has changed. With digital technologies and a better understanding of the materials, they function as well as could be hoped for in a hostile environment; your mouth!

As with everything, they will need to be repaired or replaced at some point and this varies from person to person. Treatments are risk assessed to give the best chance of a successful treatment.

The gum and bone under any denture will change shape slowly over time and even the best made denture will start to feel more mobile. The fitting surface of a well made denture can often be relined to help improve this, but at around 5 years, a full remake is generally required.


Aftercare plays a huge part in the maintenance and success of any treatment. Good oral hygiene is at the centre of this, with daily cleaning and disinfection essential. Over time, the denture and any implant attachments will wear and need replacing. Some dentures will increase in movement, but this will not be in the same way as a loose, unsupported denture if held on implants.

There will be servicing costs over time, just in the same way a precision hand-built watch needs a service and repairs to keep on running to time. This will all be explained in more detail once a treatment plan has been decided upon. Review appointments will be recommended at a time frame that reflects the treatment carried out.

Ultimately, we are here to provide the best service we can and want you to be delighted with the outcome.